Silver Asymetrical Peplum Blouse

Some updates for this peplum blouse:

1. Front Bodice with darts sewed


2. Back bodice with darts


3. Front lining


4. Back linings


5. Front and back Peplum pinned together


6. Back peplum joined to front peplum.


7. Side seams pinned together


8. Front bodices joined to back bodices


8. Peplum pinned to Bodices.


Just realized I have made two mistakes about the peplum:

1. When calculating the circumference of the circle, I have forgotten to take out the dart’s measurement.

Circumference = Front Waist (1/4) – 3 cm (dart) x 4

2. The front circumference and back should not be the same as the waistlength is different.

Will have to remember this in future.

Zipper Done!

1. Pinned the zipper to the zip seams. Right sides of both garment and zipper facing, needles were pinned slantingly against the zipper.

Closed up:

2. Basting stitch was used to attach the zipper temporarily to central back to ensure the ease when sewing the zipper.

Closed up:

3. Zipper sewed to the central back of the garment. The invisible zipper is a bit tedious when come to how to deal with the inserting of the top part of the zipper into the facing.

4. How to insert the zipper into the facing?

To fold the zipper outwards, then align with the facing, then fold it down and sew along the line, after that, turn the inside out, so that the zipper was sandwich inbetween.

It is too difficult to explain, so I have made a video on it, the vision was not as clear because it was an one-person-tapping result. (will try to figure out how to upload the video)

5. Pinned the balance of the zip seams together for the main garment.

6. Both remaining of the zip seams of garment and linning are sewed together.

Main Garment completed.

7. When come to sleeves, I have completed the pleats and sleeves bands were sewed to the sleeves hem.

Under arm seams were sewed together. Now I feel so motivated as only another step of creating the gathers, I will be able to attach the sleeves to the dress. Then……….!!!!

I realised that the armhole is much too small for my arm to slip through………..and question is why why why!? I have a moment of confusion because the draft pattern for the sleeves was newly drafted.

After some thoughts, I learned that I might have made mistake when come to counting the allowance needed.

Well, tomorrow I will decide what to do with the sleeves…whether to start a fresh sleeves or amend from the existing one. Wish me luck!

Bodices and Sleeves

1. Attached the lower garment to the upper bodice

Front View:

Back View:

Inner Side of the garment:

2. Joined the shoulder seams together

3. Joined the sleeves bands to the sleeves

Sleeves band pinned to Sleeves:

Closed Up:

Front View:

Wrong side of the sleeves:

4. Attach front facing to back facing.

5. Sew the facing to the neckline, leaving the back center open for the zipper.

6. Attached zipper to the dress

7. Attached pleated sleeves to the dress

8. Final touched up on the hems.

Updates on the assemble of bodices

1. Joined both the shoulder seams of the main garment.

2. Pinned the two layers collars to the right side of main garment.

The lower layer:

The second layer overlapped the first layer.

3. Pinned the Linings (right side facing the main garment) on top of the collars.

Sewed from the wrong side of the lining.

4. Pinned the side seams of the main garment together.

5. Sewed both side seams.

Following steps:

1. To pin the lining to the zipper and handstitch.

2. To join the lower front bodice and back bodice together.

3. To attach the lower part of the dress to the bodice.

Zipper Done

At last managed to attach the zipper to the back bodice. This took me a while because the threads from the bottom keep knotting with the upper thread which is difficult to distangle it.

Wrong side:

Right Side:

Pressed the main garment away from the zipper so that the fabric will not be caught when zipping up and down the dress.

Next steps:

1. Join the main garment at the shoulder.

2. Leaving the zipper opened, right sides together with the collar inbetween the garment and lining, pin the three layers together and then sew accordingly.

3. Handstitch the lining to the zip using slip stitch.

4. Sew the side seams of the main garment.

5. Fold the sleeves hem inward and either handstitch or sew it.

6. Join the lower bodices together.

7. Attach the lower bodies to the upper bodices.

8. Sew the hem for both linings and main garment.

9. Done!

Steps to Assemble Apple Satin Dress

Last night went to China Town, it was so packed that once I got the things I intend to get, I fleed from there.

The shop I usually visit closed for New Year but I managed to browse through shops that carry dresses.  I noticed that most dresses, the linings only connect to the main piece at shoulder and the zipper at the back of the dress. This do provide some hints on how to assemble the dress.

Below are the rough plan of assembling the Apple Satin dress:

1. Cut out the interfacing for the collars, facing.

2. Sew the darts and collars for both dress and lining

3. Sew the pleats on the sleeves.

4. Join the top bodice to the lower part for both front and back for the dress.

5. Attach facings to the linings.

6. Attach the zipper to both the dress and linings together.

7. Join the side seams together but separately for dress and lining.

8. Sew the shoulder of the dress and lining together.

9. Attach the sleeves to the dress.

10. Handstitch the sleeve band.

Will review again tomorrow to ensure everything is in order before taking it into action.

Starting with the Darts…

Have done quite a few things today:

1. Darts for all bodices.

Front lower bodice lining

Back Lower Bodice Lining

Front Lower Bodice

Back Lower Bodice

Top Front Bodice

2. Joined the side seams of front and back lower bodies, side seams for lining and side seams of front and back upper bodices.

Lower Bodice Lining joined together at the side seams

Lower Bodice joined together at the side

3. Facings for Front and Back Necklines

Facings with interfacings pressed on it